Thursday, January 15, 2015

Newron begins Phase 2 in PD with human growth factor product

Interesting update on Newron Pharmaceuticals Inc, and Italian company working in Parkinson's disease.  The have an implantable pump that will circulate a human growth factor that they believe can help stimulate control of dopamine levels in PD patients.

ISCO believe that the expression of trophic factors is an important part of the mechanism of action of neural stem cell transplants, so it will be interested to see the results from the Newron trial.

As PD trail approaches, ISCO featured in the UT

International Stem Cell Corporation was featured by biotech writer Brdley Fikes in yesterday's San Diego Union Tribune.

As we approach the initiation of our first clinical trial and the first stem cell trial in Parkinson's disease the amount of media interest will undoubtedly increase.